If you’re anything like me, ‘diet plans’ or ‘workout regimes’ are dirty words. Sometimes, seeing everything laid out in front of me in such a rigid way starts to give me a vague anxiety—“What if I forget bits? What if I get bored? Will I still do it? Is there even any point starting?” Leaving me exhausted and achieving nothing!
Along with New Year came the inevitable question: “What’s your New Years’ Resolution?”, but thanks to the year we have now said goodbye to, my answer to this question is a bit different. Usually, through the hustle and bustle of a year, having a period to reflect and look back on things can often be a good thing— but in 2020 I think we all may have had too much time to do this already.
Lockdowns have taken their toll on everyone, presenting unique challenges. Some people welcomed the time inside and have been able to use the time well. Others (I am in this category!) do not deal so well with being indoors so much and have had to find ways to adapt. Either way, last year has required everyone to change how they do things, so I have to ask the question—‘how helpful are New Years’ Resolutions this year? Indeed, any year…?
Having ADHD means that setting up any new routine is difficult for me. I have to really commit to the change, no matter what it is, and that can add pressure. Pressure felt within the consistency of routine can sometimes be fun, but other times it’s unnecessary and unhelpful. But that’s not to say that I think this means we should just sit back and carry on as we always have been.
It’s fair to say that 2020 taught me that while it’s not pleasant to have nothing but bad news, ultimately there is something I could do about it. Talking to family and friends more often; delivering essentials to neighbours and relatives whom weren’t able to. Being kind. In the face of all that negativity, little rays of sunshine shone through. If I am going to take anything from 2020, it’s that there is very often ‘a diamond in the rough’- did you find any?
So, in answer to the question “what are your New Years resolutions?”, I say not to let the negativity get to me and to keep searching for those diamonds in the rough. I will say that no matter what challenges I face, there is someone out there in need of a hand—and if I can help that person out, maybe I will help myself in the process. Maybe, if I’m lucky, I will sort out eating more healthily before summer and perhaps I will pick up my home gym weights, but those are my normal resolves. If 2021 is set to be anything, it’s the year of the new normal—so how do you think your new normal will look?
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