Children and young adults


If you think that your child has ADHD or you are a young adult in full time education (up to the age of 19 years), any discussions should start with: the education establishment; child mental health services; and your GP. Having school reports on a child’s behaviour and emotional behaviour will also help speed up support more quickly.

ADHD Aware is a support service aimed at those 18 years and over.

18 to 25 years

If you are in full time education (up to the age of 19 years) then you still should discuss your concerns with any mental health liaison officer, child mental health services and your GP. If you are at University, you could start by accessing student counselling services and contacting your disability department.

If you are 18 to 25 years and not in full time education, then you will need to speak to your GP who will make a referral to the relevant neurological services. As services are patchy, this may be something you need to push for. Not all GPs are fully informed of the symptoms of ADHD and living with its impact.


For further information for organisations that might be able to help, please see our page with links to ADHD resources.

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