Golden Giving Issues

We are sorry to announce that the charity donation website that ADHD Aware used for donations and for Clive’s 10k fundraising, has had serious server problems and our supporters may have been charged without ADHD Aware receiving the donations. Golden Giving is aware of the issue, and has apologised, and has said everybody who’s been affected will automatically be refunded in the next few days. 

ADHD Aware was not the only organisation affected and hundreds of organisations have been let down by Golden Giving. Once everyone has been refunded, we are planning to relaunch Clive’s fundraising with the most well known trusted platform, Just Giving.

We are very sorry to all our supporters who have been affected and we are actively working with Golden Giving to make sure everyone is refunded. The issue with the server affected donations made between Monday April 4th and Friday 8th April. Golden Giving has said that refunds will automatically be issued over the next few days. If you have any questions and would like us to chase any payment with Golden Giving, please email

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