ADHD Aware and The National Lottery 

ADHD Aware, a Brighton-based UK Charity for adults, is delighted to announce that we have been successful in our bid for a three-year grant from The National Lottery Community Fund. This grant will specifically support the development of our ADHD and neurodiversity awareness training programme. 

Our training is available to any organisation, group or business. By working with service providers and employers, we will support many more neurotypical people to better understand the neurodiverse community; and enable better understanding of reasonable adjustments which can help neurodivergent people to thrive in their everyday activities and workplaces. 

We want to thank The National Lottery and players of The National Lottery for giving us this fantastic opportunity to really make a lasting difference for people living with ADHD and/or other forms of neurodivergence. 

For more information about our training programme, please see 

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