“How to be your child’s own ADHD coach” ADHD Aware Webinar

ADHD Aware are pleased to announce a new series of online webinars inspired by ADHD awareness month. The first webinar event “How to be your child’s own ADHD Coach” with our guest speaker Sarah Templeton.

When: Tuesday 14th December at 7pm

Sarah Templeton is a counsellor, CBT Therapist, and coach who has specialised in ADHD since her own diagnosis at the age of 51. Sarah’s new book “How NOT to Murder your ADHD Kid: Instead learn how to be your child’s own ADHD coach” describes the neuroscience and different traits of ADHD in children, and provides therapeutic strategies using real world examples for over 30 situations that real families struggle with.

To give you an idea of what to expect, here is an example of some of the chapters from the book:

  • When you are wondering whether an ADHD Coach or Counsellor might help but don’t have a clue what the difference is or where to start
  • When the question of medication comes up
  • When they won’t do as they are told
  • When they get overly emotional – Emotional Dysregulation and Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
  • When they think they know best and argue with you
  • When they answer back and argue with you
  • When they won’t come off their Xbox, PlayStation, iPad or any other toy / game / gadget / device
  • When food becomes a problem
  • When the lying starts
  • When they won’t go to sleep
  • When inattention causes problems
  • When you suspect they are smoking weed

How To Book

For more information and to register for the webinar click here

Sarah’s background includes work within prisons and with young offenders, many of whom have ADHD. She is passionate about supporting young people so that they steer away from a life of addiction and crime, and she has founded “Headstuff ADHD Liberty”. Sarah has also founded “Headstuff ADHD Therapy”, a specialist ADHD counselling and coaching service.

For any questions about the webinar, please email events@adhdaware.org.uk with the subject “webinar”.

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